Tuesday, August 2, 2011

You Know What Happens When You Get Bored?

You write a pitch for a new story, make it from letter k to letter s in your music on your iTouch, and make character pictures for the mentioned new story.

Meet the Umbrati team, from Severed Ties.
Igni Marn, creature communicator, and her pet Eiothne. Yes, her pet's a dragon.
Hewitt, the inside man. Yes, that's Eragon.
Mona Starblade, kicked-out princess, secret keeper.
Saxton Merillon, brainiac of the group. Let's ignore that he looks like Nikolas from Maiden's Code, and that dude from Eragon.... Murtagh-something or other.
Nita Veritas, archer, tracker, grifter.
Andaes Headsplitter, ex-military.
YEAH. I got bored. VEEERY bored. Tah-dah.

Oh, swim team party status: since everyone keeps asking what day it's on instead of saying where they wanna go, Main Event is winning, but we really don't have very many votes overall XD

1 comment:

  1. Good Job on getting no votes! Put a poll up on this blog! And no, instead, you get killed my Umlark in Dragon Nest beta. First death ever.
