Saturday, August 27, 2011

Even more help, please?

Hana: You need to get on inkpop >_> Fungus: *facepalm* Forget it. I'm crapping the photos after I get votes. The covers won't actually be that size or shape.

Picture five. I would be using the left-hand side of the picture, cutting out the spaceship.

Picture six (one of my personal favorites). Yes, it's pixelated. Deal with it.
The kick-off party at Jack Carter was fun! Two hours of chlorine made me a happy girl.
I have nothing better to say. *poof*

Thursday, August 25, 2011

I need more help.

So picture one won last time. To Hana: thank you :D and where the heck have you been?!?! To Fungus: Thanks for helping, and how is it funny that someone would trip off a cliff? And who said she fell on purpose?


Picture three

Picture four

Pick your favorite. Please and thank you.

School's started. I have to do an entire semester of math again because the program changed. Already got two units done, though, so that's my small way of saying "suck on that, algebra". I got bumped up to ninth grade... only to find out it's the EXACT same reading as eigth grade. So I only look forward to A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickenson, Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, and Romeo and Juliet (if you don't know the author, I'd like to know where you've been hiding for the past five centuries).

History is fun because the books aren't written by the state >:D so they're a) TRUE b) SEMI-OPINIONATED (and it doesn't hide the fact that the bad guys were really bad guys) and c) FUN.

Science has been easy so far.

Yeah, my life in a nutshell. Oh, I'm on chapter seven of Retro-Specter, which was originally chapter 9.

I'm going to the beginning-of-the-season swim party at Jack Carter tomorrow, 7 pm to 9pm. Should be fun.... get to meet all the new coaches, none of whom will actually be coaching me. Lastly, round of applause for Swapnav, who I think coerced Ted into moving him up to Junior Silver (heheh~ I said nothing...).

Valete. *~poof~*

Sunday, August 21, 2011

I need a little help.

I've been picture hunting for covers for the Retro-Specter sequel. Every day I'll post two pictures everyday until I have a winner. Consider the two for every day, and compare them to the most recent ones. Leave your vote in your comment.

Picture One

Picture Two
The theme is Egyptian/desert, if anyone thinks they have a better picture. I need to it "match" this in some way.

Please? Thanks.

The swim party was fun. I was the only girl there, but whatever, that's not anything new. Aras, Avery, Swapnav, Ali, and Alex were there :P but Ashley couldn't make it. I have a nice video that I'm too lazy to upload and a bunch of pictures of the five of them acting like morons. Which isn't anything new, either.

Anyways, vote. Now. >:D

Thursday, August 18, 2011

I'm actually going to use this blog for what it was meant for!

PROMOTION. Well, that's not really why I made it... but that's what it's for.

THE BOOK OF THE DAY IS..... The Guardian Legend by YuffieProductions!

If the fate of the world lies in his hands, I'd best say goodbye to the human race.

Welcome to Altima, a world protected by yours truly. Guardian Kairi at your service. Well, there's Cleon, too, but that boy is a magical blunder. He was born first, so the Gods probably made him, realized their mistake, then created me as repentance. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's what happened.

Unfortunately, there's no doubt that he's a Guardian like me. We are mentally connected; yes, I'm talking telepathy. But it goes farther than that, farther than either of us want it to go.

We're essentially the same person separated into two bodies. They say we're fated to become one, and there will be a miracle when it happens. I'd rather eat a vat of live spiders than become "one" with that Booger-Butt, whatever becoming "one" even means. But war is threatening the Balance, and of course, everyone turns to us. The Guardians. Their protectors. But I'm starting to find out that the world I see with my eyes is just an illusion. Slowly, I'm piecing together the horrifying truth:

Cleon isn't going to protect Altima.

He's the one destined to destroy it.

Isn't that exciting? Guys, I've read all that Yuffers has up, and it's brilliant. Plot = amazing. Writing = captivating. You will go here.  Now.

What are you waiting for?

Monday, August 15, 2011

"I died.

....But I got better."
If you know where the quote came from you get a pat on the head.

Sooo.... I've been kinda busy editing, reading... watching The Matrix... being bored. That's why I haven't posted recently *grin* I was doing my phoenix impression.

School starts in a week, yay. It'll give me even less time to edit, but at least it'll keep me from being bored, and I should be in 9th grade by October. Sweetness. Which means I'll be in 10 grade next year~ heh.

Not sure how I feel about swimming groups.... a lot of people are whining but I personally couldn't care less. The party is on Saturday at 1:45, if anyone is going.

Peace out. *poof*

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Today is Thursday.

It is also motivational picture day >:D

That pretty much wraps up motivational picture day. I felt the need to post these, since they're freaking awesome.

I swam okay at the meet today, but I'm still starving, and rather bored. Got some editing done...
Yeah. Bye~

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

You Know What Happens When You Get Bored?

You write a pitch for a new story, make it from letter k to letter s in your music on your iTouch, and make character pictures for the mentioned new story.

Meet the Umbrati team, from Severed Ties.
Igni Marn, creature communicator, and her pet Eiothne. Yes, her pet's a dragon.
Hewitt, the inside man. Yes, that's Eragon.
Mona Starblade, kicked-out princess, secret keeper.
Saxton Merillon, brainiac of the group. Let's ignore that he looks like Nikolas from Maiden's Code, and that dude from Eragon.... Murtagh-something or other.
Nita Veritas, archer, tracker, grifter.
Andaes Headsplitter, ex-military.
YEAH. I got bored. VEEERY bored. Tah-dah.

Oh, swim team party status: since everyone keeps asking what day it's on instead of saying where they wanna go, Main Event is winning, but we really don't have very many votes overall XD