I finally learn to play Pachisi, the Indian Cross and Circle game, I can sit down and write Retro-Specter and what happens? I have an hour before my first swim practice in a week, Im still sick and have a monster headache. Im not a happy camper... er, writer/swimmer.
Retro-Specter has the pink arrow. -_- Its depressing. But I have six swaps to do, so Ill live. I want to be under 25 for my birthday, in two weeks. I want to be DONE by my birthday in two weeks.
I havent looked at Maiden's Code. Its at/around 500 I think. Which is pretty good.
Im the Pink Panther leader for now O.O which reminds me... HI ANN. Thank chu for joining meh blog :3
Brian, you'll have your book back today. Sorry for the long wait.
So, I saw an X-Men commercial. I wanna see that movie. And I want my HarperCollins books. Im pretty sure Becki didnt even enter the order, after I went and messaged her with my address.
Anyways, Cya.
*pats* Poor you. It'll be okay, hopefully.
ReplyDeleteAnn is here?? HI ANN! ^-^
*pat pat pat* Head patting is a good form of entertainment, both competetively and regularly.