Friday, April 29, 2011


Yes, I missed a few days... a week. So I'm sorry. Forgive me?

Retro-Specter is at 40, and two people were supposed the pick it >_> they HAVEN'T. I'm at 63,000 words RIGHT NOW. And heres a link: Oh and this book sucks, so I wouldn't click that link if I were you. I mean, the author can't even write a decent short pitch. The prologue to Tourniquet is posted here.

Music: Walk Away (feat. B.o.B.) by The Script
Quote: "If I had somewhere better to be, I wouldn't be here."

I'm pissed, if you didn't know. I got DQ'ed from 200 IM. And I really don't want to ever touch chlorine again, in my life. Screw fifty meters, screw 200 IM, screw my crappy swimming skills and screw my book, which is the worst piece of crap I've ever seen.

If I don't show up to practice ever again, tell Nick why. Actually, don't; he'll probably force me to come then ._.


Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

Chocolate, bunnies, donuts, coffee and staying home so I can notify my eighty-five people that I uploaded chapter 17. So go read NOW! Actually stay and read the rest of this post before you read.

Retro-Specter is at 43. With three promises to pick. So whoo-hoo. Yeah, I'm not in a good mood, big suprise. As soon as I finish writing I'll start REwriting. Answering questions: Michelle, Maiden's Code isn't up yet, sorry. Retro-Specter comes first, since that's my major project. And I'm not liking Maiden's Code or Tourniquet right now. Heck, I'm not even liking RS! But if you're bored, go read The Locket on my inkpop profile. Mushroom: No. Just no. Chapter 17 marks a little over 40k words. Link:

Music and quotes have been put on hold.

I'm exhausted.

How are you?

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Okay. Fine. I'm done arguing.

I am. I'll accept you love my book. I will, but don't expect me to see anything but fault. I see mistakes, errors and the first three chapters that have to be rewritten as soon as I finish the book. So, Hana, consider this my "I surrender, throw me a party and swap/promote for my book all you like" (yes, lovely, I did see that thread and I did get a comment. Why are you not swapping for The Hiddens, missy? Don't you dare give up on that book >:O) white flag deal. I will stop arguing with you.

For now.

In regards to Retro-Specter, hopefully chapter seventeen will be up tonight. As of right now it sits at *checks and dies* 44. And I want the green arrow to stay. I'd also like it if you would give me time to finish and rewrite the darn 90,000 word book! Anywhom...

So, Maiden's Code is coming along okay. Not sure I like it yet, but more sword fights to come, if I live through the romance scenes. Unfortunately, the book wouldn't be the same without them. Tourniquet is doing pretty well, and I'm sure Hana and Savanna will love it. I don't think I'm at a 1,000 words yet... Retro-Specter is my priority.

No quote, no music.
Swimming=butterfly. Wasn't that fun, Brian?

Plans for tomorrow, y'all?

Friday, April 22, 2011

Friday. Thank gosh.

Not because of the song, but because Sanctuary 312 is tonight. Hangover better be good, 'cause if it ain't Im gunna hurt somebody (*coughs* Damian Kindler! *coughs*). I'm in a bad mood. Very bad. And so far, chocolate and chips hasn't helped. I pray for your soul if you have to talk to me today. And I still can't sleep -_- thanks for your help though, Hana.

Book: Retro-Specter. I have important news regarding this "fabulous" novel (yes, I got a comment saying it was fabulous, and that they had to read it because apparently inkpop is hyped up because of my book. These rumors have not been confirmed by me, but everytime I enter a thread the topic of discussion changes from popular books to something else O.o inkies, I'm watching you. If you can confirm these rumors, that Retro-Specter really is being ranted about, I will fall into a surprise induced coma. Thank you for your time, fungus is good for your personal health). This news is that today, hopefully, chapter 17 will be posted, and that will mark the 40,000 word mark, or about halfway. I would also like to say that yesterday, the two month anniversary, was successful. I now sit at rank 47.

Music: whatever you want. -_-
Quote: "As if I have a bloody choice." ~Deirdra. And no, sweetheart, you don't.
Swimming: I skipped yesterday due to extreme exhaustion. Today is the same, but I don't think I'll be skipping.

So. Happy Easter Friday.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Dun dun DUN!

Chapter sixteen of Retro-Specter is up. And y'all're going to hate me for the way it ends. Mostly because that is the last chapter I'm putting up. The rest you'll see when it gets to the top five or when its on a book store shelf, all edited and pretty. ***This choice may change. If it does you'll be the second to know.***

So. Music: Evanescence. Again, 'nuff said.

Quote: “I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to success... Such emotions make a man forget food, sleep, friends, love, everything.” ~Nikola Tesla.

Book: Retro-Specter.

So, I have a new book idea. And I'm posting the pitch, so you can give your opinions.

[Untitled] (Tourniquet)
Being hunted isn’t easy. But what if you were the one doing the hunting?

Cassandra is lost in a world not her own. A practical joke and dare gone wrong brings her into modern society, away from her homeland through the rift between worlds. A traumatizing experience in this land with carriages that aren’t pulled by horses and people that wear clothing exposing their knees. As if that wasn’t enough.

Now she’s forced to train and fight, for the good of all people, to keep the creatures of her home from breaching the gap between worlds and destroying lives of innocent people. Modern humans have never seen myths in flesh. And they don’t want to, for it could mean destruction to both worlds. Cassandra must join the elite group of warriors, what the Greeks remember as the Hunt of Artemis, and protect the balance. Stemming the flow of monsters is vital to the peace of both worlds.

The rift has opened again. Myths are drawn from the corners and shadows of both worlds.

The Hunt is on. And things are about to get ugly.  
Well? Ive got four people on the notification list. Hana, Mom, Angel and A.K.A.

Swimming. -_- again. Im convinced Im going to puke or pass out.

Monday, April 18, 2011

*bangs head on keyboard*

Today is one of those days, when I look at what I've done and only see mistakes. I don't see the 61 next to my project. I see the typos, the infodumps, the crappy sentences that need to be fixed. But I can't stop writing because if I do stop to edit I'll just hurt myself. So I'm going to keep going on Retro-Specter and finish it. Then I'll rewrite. Maybe then I won't scare so many people away.

Thanks to Fungus and Michelle for reading the first chapter. Those grammar mistakes will be fixed when I finish. And Fungus, I like my blog, so go fix your own. At your own risk do you dare teach me to use technology. I'll stick to my iTouch, thanks.

Music: Evanescence. 'Nuff said. They aren't so good live, but from speakers of my iPod they rock. Literally.

Quote: “If Edison had a needle to find in a haystack, he would proceed at once with the diligence of the bee to examine straw after straw until he found the object of his search.
I was a sorry witness of such doings, knowing that a little theory and calculation would have saved him ninety per cent of his labor.”
~Nikola Tesla.

What am I missing? Oh, swim practice. -_- That just gets "the face".

So, any complaints? Comments? Concerns? Money? *holds out hat*

Oh and a big that you to MusicIsMe (on inkpop) and mzmroxx (also inkpop). Music for the Maiden's Code cover. Its fabulous, and works for a fantasy/action/romance combination. Mzmroxx for helping me develop my three main characters, Deirdra, Guinevere and Arthur. It needed work.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Due to popular request....

You guys are hysterical. ^_^ The quote section is back. And Fungus, the mistake in the summary was made because I type to fast and haven't fixed it yet. Blargh, says Bob the Familiar Guy. He agrees with me :P

Now, for those of you who don't know me, ignore that above paragraph.
Quote of the day: "Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I have really worked, is mine." ~Nikola Tesla (the dude that made the USA run on alternating current)
One day, I shall do a full analysis of the life of Nikola Tesla. And I'll post it here. This man is truely amazing. Choices: agree or die :P

Music: Two Steps From Hell. These guys are making the plot nubbins run rampant.
Book: Retro-Specter.

So. Swim meet in two weeks. -_- I'm going to die. Nick, why did you put me in all freestyle events?!

For those of you who ACTUALLY read this: *hug*

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Home, Where the Heart Resides

Does that mean my home is nonexistant? Because so far, I have no where to store my heart... Just a moment of reflection. Where is your heart?

Pax Romana was amazing. 'Nuff said.

Book of the day: Retro-Specter!

Music: Two Steps From Hell. I've fallen in love with this music.

So, short post today, yes, but Ive been busy. Ate a cake for my brother's birthday party.

So, how are you?

Friday, April 15, 2011


I know I already posted today, so this one is short: Sanctuary, Pax Romana, episode 311. Was. Amazing to bring the season back. No Tesla, but I have high opes for the next episode >.< why must I wait another week?!

It's Friday. You KNOW what that means.

It means that that stupid song is stuck in my head -_- GAH! Fungus, my planks are better than yours, but yes, Bob's planks and running was fail of the century. Hope he doesn't read this blog... or I'm dead. *laughs with Hana* (I do reply to my comments, in my posts *is proud*)

Still sore. Very sore. -_-

Music: Linkin Park, The Catalyst.

Book: Tuneful, a book on inkpop. Great piece of work.

Hmm... well, update on Retro-Specter. I'm now at a little over 50,000 words, and you are going to hate what I do after that. Well, you love it, but hate it at the same time. Hehe.... :P deal with it. Trendies rule. Saying that now, thats what side I'm on.

How was your day? New music? Plans for the weekend?

Thursday, April 14, 2011

O.O Bwhahaha

This was my reaction when I went back and read my blog comments. Thanks Fungus the Mushroom King. You meant it when you said you posted "To be or not to be" on my blog three times. You get a gold star, er, fungus. And Bob approves. He says blargh.

So, please excuse that little spiel, unless you personally know Fungus. He is a bit strange at times. Like today, instead of doing planks like he was supposed to (ahem) he insisted my name was not Pheonix, nor Katie. -_- Now, everyone on my swim team thinks my name is... well, something other than my name. Sorry, Fungus, thought it was a squid. My mistake, its a jellyfish.

I dont have a book today. Whoops.

Music: Bon Jovi and The Fray

Sports update: Long course swim meet on the 30th. Ill be celebrating Retro-Specter's nine week birthday by sprinting my guts out in the water and goofing off with me amicos between heats. Lets go, COPS! And try not to lose another good coach to Metro or COR. We miss you, Chris!

Well, thats about it for now. So, how are you? ^_^ It tickles me that people actually read this!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Let me be frank. (You be Bob)

You may recognize this post title as a thread title. Or not. Anyways, this'll be short 'cause I can't sit still very well. Reason(s)? Well, have you ever run three miles in twenty minutes? Then done lunges for ten and push-ups for another ten? Then swum all-out for two hours non-stop? No? Be thankful, the results are waddling around the house because it hurts to try to sit, or go from aitting to standing. It hurts to carry things around because your biceps and triceps kill you. You can't even sit up in the morning because your abs hurt so much. Basically, it sucks. Oh, did I mention I did the same thing again today? Yeah, that was yesterdays work-out. Now do it again. And I have a nasty blister on the inside bridge of my foot that stings.

Book: -_- all I read today was To Kill a Mockingbird.

Music: Gah! Don't Fear the Reaper. Hey Baby (Drop it to the Floor) by Pitbull.

No quote today, sorry. Ill give two tomorrow.

So, how are you? :) I'm reading all (one) comments I get!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Work Samples *bangs head on desk*

Ew. For those of you who don't know what work samples are: they are when you send in samples of your work :) Cheeky. I have to send one of every subject o my teacher -_- blech.

Book. Pulished: Eoin Colfer's Airman. Unpublished: I'm bumping The Hiddens again. Here.

Music: Again by Flyleaf and Sweet Sacrifice by Evanescence. The rock genre on my iTouch has been unleashed.

Quote from yesterday: "I hate the idea of causes, and if I had to choose between betraying my country and betraying my friend, I sure hope I have the guts to betray my country." ~ E. M. Forster

Quote for today: "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. ~ Thomas Edison. (Thanks Hana) Wise words Mr. Edison, but I'm afraid Tesla wouldn't agree.

So, as you can tell, my post today is rather short. That's 'cause I'm exhausted and would rather fall asleep right now than go to swim practice. But I don't have a choice, mainly 'cause I can't sleep -_-

Anywhom, how was your day? Any tests at school? Find a new song you'd like to share? A cool book? A scientist quote?

Monday, April 11, 2011

Alas, but with good grace go I....

That, friends, was and interesting conversation, to say the very least. So, I'd like to point to the fish at the bottom of the screen. They like it when you answer the poll right above their swimming little bodies. I'd also like to point to the list of books... over there ----> If I'm missing one, please inform me. So I can read it and add it to that list.

Book time. Published book of the day is To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. A classic. I'm reading it for school, and its sitting in front of me right now, so I dont have to go searching for a book on my overflowing bookshelf. Unpublished book of the day is J. A. Waggoner's book Ryan Miles and the Petal's Curse. Tah-dah. 'Tis a very good book. Oh, dear, here comes the medieval lingo again....

Music! Two songs today; Eat You Up by BoA and Till the World Ends by Britney Spears. Fate is really funny, was watching TV and these two songs came on my iPod one after another.... while Jonathon Young was on the screen. Sooo not fair. Meh, continuing on...

Quote of the day: I hate the idea of causes, and if I had to choose between betraying my country and betraying my friend, I hope I should have the guts to betray my country” ~E. M. Forster
Indeed, Mr. Forster. Wise words.

Bah, swimming is starting to make me queazy....

And, now, I want to know your opinions again. How was your Monday? You have homework? What is the third song on your iPod when you shuffle? First quote you find in a book you love? Look at that poll, the fish and list of books.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

I'm learning!

I am. I'm so proud of myself, I figured out how to add gadgets. With the help of Hana.... but still! (Thank you, Hana) I'm also learning that you shouldn't procrastinate. You regret it later.... >.< t-shirt = "Procrastinators unite! ... later. Yes, I'm adopting that motto today.

Book time, because I know you all love to look at the book links and such. Today's published book is Unearthly by Cynthia Hand. I've heard good things about this book, and Ms. Hand was very nice to talk to on inkpop. Best wishes for Ms. Hand and her trilogy! And thank you for answering our questions. Now, todays unpublished book is *drumroll, please and thank you* The Hidden's by Hana Rain! Fantasy and romance lovers unite! (This is an indirect prod toward the author *coughs* to *cough* update? *puppy eyes*) Linkity link! I have no problem putting this on here. Because so far, I'm pretty sure all my followers are inkies, and if you are viewing this blog anyways, go make an account to read this book >:O

Music time! Yay! *pathetic failing bagpipes play* Okay, I need a better band. ANYWHOM, my spotlight song of the day is Written in the Stars (feat. Erik Turner) by Tinie Tempah. I love this song.

Now, lastly (and most importantly) HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRISTOPHER! My brother turns 11 today! *party horns blow, bagpipes fail again* Enjoy your cake. And your dragon is in the mail.

Now, I want to know how your Sunday morning is. Your book pick, your music spotlight? Your new motto? A quote, perhaps? I should start featuring those, shouldn't I? Yes, yes I should...

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Thank goodness... its not FRIDAY!

That song is annoying. And, of course, its stuck in my head! *turns iTouch all the way up, searches for rock music* Okay, bad music aside, today started out great... got in the pool, swam vigorously for two and a half hours, and I'm now about to drop asleep in front of the computer. I can confidently say that chlorine tastes weird first thing in the morning.

So, first order of business: Fungus, this is for you. Turitopsisouroboros. Thats how its spelled. That is apparently my new name. The squid-snake.

Secondly, Retro-Specter is hovering at a pretty eighty-two, but I would be happier if it was sitting at a pretty seventy-eight. And then you can have a new chapter ^_^ so lets fix that... with a link.

Now, enough about me. I want to know how your Saturday morning is going. Your opinions on music, on Fungus and Bob the Familiar Guy, and good books you've read recently. And rope your friends into this little circle of people.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Heyy Y'all!

Look at that... I made a blog ^_^ 'bout time. So, welcome to my page, where I'll post about upcoming stuff... and to get you started, check out my book, Retro-Specter, on